Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Welcome to the Family!

    Okay... everyone believes that their family has the craziest and best stories. While not every family can have their family life tapped, shoot to fame, and have each child marry a celeb (golf clap for Kardashian Family), we do have our fair share of laugh out loud, cry till you pee your pants, funny moments.
    This is the blog of one average, wholesome American family. The Janszen clan is made up of Joe (Dad), Lisa (Mom), Emma (myself), Ben (brother), and Mallory (sister). We also have two dogs, and if you're a dog lover you count them as family. The following incident inspired me to share our family’s most glorified moments (although not pretty).

    Ever since the summer months have graced us with their blue skies, warm days, and cool, starry nights; my family has enjoy eating dinners on the patio. After-dinner conversation usually consists of "How was your day?”, "What's in store for tomorrow?", and "How are our friends?" Recently, during our discussion of the annual summer family vacation, my sister decided to complain about her dessert, which she has been eating for over twenty minutes.
    Earlier in the day my mom had stopped at the grocery store for dinner supplies and dog treats. “Frosty Paws” are wonderful little cups of ice cream for your beloved pooch, which my mom decided would be a cool treat for our dogs this particular night, so she bought a six pack. Are you picking up on my foreshadowing?
    Back to present discussion: Mallory starts to berate my mom about the poor choice in ice cream brand. My mom sits in her chair with a baffled expression on her face. I speak up and provide an explanation..."Mal, did you eat the ice cream that says “Frosty Paws” that is for Sox and Lexi (the puppies) to eat?" After a long, awkward pause laughter bursts out among my mother, father, and myself. Mallory sits there like the little Blue Bird from the infamous Angry Birds game app, as if when touched she will multiply into three blue birds to hit an acquired target and destroy it (targets being my mom, dad, and I). Mallory then goes back into the house to pull out the ice cream cup and read the details; she was very salty.

     Moral of the story....when purchasing, selecting, or preparing to eat ice cream, read the packaging thoroughly. Welcome to our family!

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